
"Wyobraź sobie świat, w którym magia jest czymś codziennym i powszechnym. Ulice oświetlone są za pomocą czarów, magia pozwala wznosić kilometrowe wieżowce, a przez setki tysięcy mil wiedzie napowietrzna linia kolejowa, na której lokomotywy są ciągnięte przez żywiołaki powietrza. To świat Eberronu. Mimo powszechności magii nie jest w nim jednak tak miło i przyjemnie, jak mogłoby się zdawać. Usiądź, a opowiem Ci trzy słowa o świecie fantasy tak różnym od tych, które znasz..."

Zapraszamy na naszego bloga, w którym dowiecie się, jakie istoty zamieszkują Eberron, jak on w ogóle powstał i jak wygląda dziś! -> https://rgfk.pl/blog/eberron-wstep-do-swiata/

#rgfk #gry #rpg #gryrpg #gryfabularne #gryplanszowe #grybezpradu #planszowki #grybitewne #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #warhammer #cthulhu #figurkirpg #blog

Ulice oświetlone są za pomocą czarów, magia pozwala wznosić kilometrowe wieżowce, a przez setki tysięcy mil wiedzie napowietrzna linia kolejowa, na której lokomotywy są ciągnięte przez żywiołaki powietrza. 

@rgfk.pl brzmi jak raj dla lewaków i hipisów. Zamiast studiować fizykę, konstrukcję maszyn, architekturę i tworzyc, rozwijac, budować budynki można sobie to wszystko wyczarować.

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Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered

Fabularnie póki co najlepsza gra jaką grałem.
Jak na produkcje która miała początek w 2005 (remasteringowi 2015r)i została nieznacznie ulepszona prezentuje się nad wyraz dobrze jak na produkcje w 3D.
Na steam deku ładnie śmiga - kilka razy do pulpitu wywaliło ale tylko jak korzystałem z menu systemowego
Detroit już zamówiony

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Nie macie pomysłu na weekend? Zapraszamy na Bykon! Sobotę i niedzielę spędźmy razem w Bydgoszczy na konwencie multifandomowym, do zobaczenia!

Wszelkie informacje na stronie wydarzenia -> www.bykon.pl

#rgfk #gry #rpg #gryrpg #gryfabularne #gryplanszowe #grybezpradu #planszowki #grybitewne #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #warhammer #cthulhu #figurkirpg

Ulica świętej trójcy oraz książki z magia. Ma potencjał na katolicka imbe


@kodyak Trzeba popchnąć sprawę


Wiecie co łączy furry, a pedofila?



@rgfk.pl w Brzydgoszczy obok Torunia?

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A pamiętam grałem kiedyś w takiego muda ale dostałem bana za mutli konta bo nie było z kim grać bo gra martwa prawie to sobie zrobiłem ekipe i ustawiłem komendę auto follow xD

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Przeklejka jednego z postów na temat #frostpunk2 ładnie wypisująca jak inna ta gra jest od #frostpunk

Let me start by saying that I have Frostpunk on disc, Steam, Epic and GOG. In total, I played about 2k - 2.5k hours, maybe much more (the disk version does not count time). For FP achievements, I created a Steam account. I'm writing this because several people in other discussions regularly accuse complainants of "you definitely didn't understand the game", "you played it wrong", "you probably only played Endless Mode", etc.
I have played the game many times in all ways, on all difficulty levels, modes, maps. And I loved it.

FP2 is a completely different game. You may like it, of course, but in my opinion a sequel should develop the idea and mechanics of its original, not create something completely different. For example, when I bought StarCraft2 I expected an RTS and I got it. If it suddenly turned out to be a 4X game, I would be pissed. And no assurances from the creators about a "change in scale" and "the effect of plot development" would change anything here.

"Larger scale"
It's just an illusion. There is a map on which the city is placed and a map of the surrounding area, as in FP1. The number of inhabitants is not 100, but 10k, but so what? Now, there are not 10 people working in coal mining, but 1,000. An expedition does not require 5 people, but 500. Writing that the game mechanics had to change to reflect this new, "better" scale is simply a lie.

"Building a City"
In FP2 you no longer build a city. You choose tiles on which the game creates a type of district and that's it. You can also add a building to the district. Boring. You don't feel like you built this city... because you didn't. In FP1, city design (especially regarding heating) was an important and fun element of gameplay. He's not here.

The city and districts heat themselves. You only care about the amount of coal (probably later oil or something). As the temperature drops, the demand for heat automatically increases and more raw material is consumed for heating. You have no control over the generator, nodes, radiators. Managing these elements in FP1 was fun and often determined the survival of the city.

Don't count on emotions related to the danger surrounding you. The city gives the impression of an empty shell, which makes the fate of its inhabitants irrelevant. These are just numbers. In FP1 every death was a tragedy, here it's just a statistic. The game has been stripped of survival elements, which greatly affects immersion.

Playing FP1 made me forget about the rest of the world. Like I was reading a great book. A feeling of cold, hopelessness, a cruel world. It was amazing. I don't experience this in FP2. Empty city, changing numbers, weather and temperature that doesn't really matter. And clicking over and over again on events related to politics and factions. So boring.

Some people wrote that FP1 was already a political game. Nonsense! It was a game of survival. The Book of Laws helped with gameplay, but once you got the hang of the mechanics you could not use it (which added another fun challenge). Of course, refugees, social unrest, conflict between workers and engineers were all great plot elements of the game! But FP1 was still a game focused on survival, not politics. In FP2, factions, votes, laws, etc. require your attention all the time. At first they seem very interesting. Already watching the trailers of this mechanic, I was most curious. Unfortunately, the execution is terrible and simply boring. On the other hand, there are so few things to do in the game that without these factions you would be doing almost nothing.

"All sorts of nonsense"
There are a lot of little stupid things. Heat-based currency. Residents won't build a greenhouse because you don't have abstract currency. It's better to be hungry. People who want to demolish the coal mine even though a storm is approaching and they will freeze to death. Similarly with other raw materials. Expeditions set off from the city every time instead of traveling around locations like in FP1. Maybe the creators wanted to give us a simulator of idiotic inhabitants? Of course, these problems can be dealt with. Satisfying factions is not difficult, and earning Heatstamps becomes a formality. But I'm all about logic. Post-apocalyptic society behaves like a bunch of morons. This spoils the reception of the game.

"Graphics and sound"
Personally, I really like the graphics. Selection of colors, form, style. The game looks beautiful. You can complain about the quality of textures, not very readable in places and small (for me) UI. However, these are unimportant and easy to fix. Kudos to the graphic designers. However, there are very few sounds in the game. I do not know why. When they appear, they are a good fit. Just work on it and it will be great.

"At the end"
I could write much more, but who would read it? There are 3 months left until the premiere. What we see in the beta is generally the product we will receive. There will definitely be some fixes and changes, but the core of the game will definitely remain the same. So if I played the beta, I know what gameplay the entire game will be based on. And I don't like it. I don't know where 11 bit studios read that players want the next part of FP to be a different game. Is it a purely business decision because they think that such mechanics will sell better? I've been waiting for Frostpunk2 for many years. I thought I had finally made it, but I was wrong. Will FP2 be a good game, although so different from the original? Possible. I will return the copy of game and wait for some 50% sale or something. Since it's not real FP anyway, I can wait another year. I don't have the urge. And please don't call me a hater. I have the right to think that this product is poor and does not meet my expectations. Like any other customer, I make decisions with my wallet. I've been sad and disappointed since Monday.


@Acrivec No to szykuje się kolejna kiszka, szkoda.

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/co poradzić na hurtowo respawnujących się opryszków w Ulu w Planescape Torment? Wyszedłem z lokacji początkowej, tego niby grobowca i ciągle mnie te opryszki zabijają. #gry #staregry #kiciochpyta

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Szukam gierki starej, coś jak x-com turowa rozgrywka w kosmosie gdzie na mapie masz oddział i nim grasz w turach walcząc z kosmitami, jak się nie mylę to z jakimś robactwem walczyłem. Była kiedyś dodawana do jakiegoś magazynu Click/CD Action, grafika jak na te lata kwadraty i toporna.

@Hoszin może któraś część galactic civilizations? Ja grałem tylko w 3 i były tam już hexy, więc pewnie 1 albo 2


@maximilianan @Oczk nie to było coś jak x-com gdzie masz oddział na mapie i masz coś zrobić, i rozgrywka jest turowa. trochę kanciasta grafika była.


to? @Hoszin https://youtu.be/4jUMLC_3TFc?si=z89jOCNsX3EyZKhl




Jagged Aliance 2.5


Gorky 17




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Stwórz swój własny świat!
Teraz możesz dodać nowy wymiar do swoich map z Hexworld - te sześciokątne płytki dowolnie połączysz ze sobą, tworząc świat prosto z Twojej wyobraźni.
Idealnie nadają się do kampanii gier wojennych, budowania światów RPG lub po prostu jako ozdoba.

Wybierz teren pod swoją kampanię! -> https://rgfk.pl/k/248/tereny-drukowane?q=Seria-HexWorld

#rgfk #gry #rpg #gryrpg #gryfabularne #gryplanszowe #grybezpradu #planszowki #grybitewne #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #warhammer #figurkirpg

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The spice must flow, kurwa!

#diuna #lodz #heheszki #humorobrazkowy #scifi #opornikcontent #gry
Opornik userbar

@Opornik Będzie tylko połowa punktów wytrzymałości - nie zbudowali betonowych płyt


@Amebcio zawsze coś muszą spierdolić...


@Amebcio Raczej zbudowali, brakuje 20 kredytów.

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Cocoon - polecam tego indyczka. Mała logiczna gierka na może 10h ale mega klimatyczna i wciągająca. Puzzle nie są jakoś wymagające, bo zaciąłem się tylko w jednym miejscu pod sam koniec ale design gry i pomysłowość twórców bije na głowę sporo dużych tytułów.
Momentami mi się trochę kojarzyło z The Talos Principle, mimo że jedyne co je łączy to właśnie łamigłówki - ale jak ktoś grał to pewnie też poczuje ten vibe.

hellgihad userbar

@hellgihad ten link nie działa


@UncleFester Ale tam nie ma żadnego linku?


@hellgihad A powinien.

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Dodalbym do tego jeszcze taki feeling,ze chcesz przejsc jeszcze jedna misje i jeszcze i jeszcze...
#gry #grykomputerowe #feels #oswiadczenie

@jajkosadzone Wrócić do wersji pudełkowych cd/dvd nie bylo nic lepszego jak taka wyprawa po grę do sklepu...fuck the steam!!


@Spider James, mi by kurierek przywoził. Po co stać w kolejkach, gdzieś łazić? Cyk w domku i Gierka jest, gdyby nie wygoda i wola większości to by było jak piszesz ale widzisz jak jest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@Spider teraz to chyba już tylko na pendziakach ew. kartach pamięci?


@jajkosadzone to fifa musi mieć zajebista fabułę że jest tak popularna xd


Grafika nie jest najważniejsza co wcale nie oznacza że gracze będą tolerować brzydkie gry.

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Jakby kogoś interesowało, oto moja ostateczna wypocina w ankiecie końcowej po ukończeniu 300 tygodni we #frostpunk2 beta utopia preview.
Na samym dole link do steam discussions gdzie też to wlepiłem.

#gry #grystrategiczne #frostpunk #recenzje

Heatstamps need either complete removal, or move them to other mechanics. UI needs dark mode, scaling. Game needs redesign in terms of city sizes and people should not run around like the snow powder around is methamphetamines and not snow. I felt completely disconnected from the Frostpunk feeling, the struggle and fight with the cold, the warmth of the generator. People are just an excel sheet numbers, buildings no longer feel important, districts are just a cities skylines thing, not frostpunk.
Frostpunk is one of my most favourited games ever. The climate, feels, connection, emotions. Perfect, touching music. Immersion.
Frostpunk 2 lacks all of it, except from main menu music...

First time I played Frostpunk was after pirating it. After falling in love with it I've bought it on Steam and on Epic (yes, 2 times!) with expansions.
I've bought Frostpunk 2 deluxe in pre-order... I am severely dissapointed and I'm considering refunding the game.

You still have some time, guys. I really hope you'll redesign some of the game mechanics and get us back the Frostpunk emotions and feelings, the Frostpunk experience. Not cities skylines: frozen wasteland.
Some of your new ideas are great, like the council, the factions, the trail/railway system.
But the city building is just wrong. The temperature system is basically gone - I didn't feel connection to the Generator as the central, most important building. I didn't feel it generated any heat, I couldn't see it.
9000 population... I'd accept 900 at most in this size of the city. I do understand that we have more advanced buildings now, multi-floor and stuff. But 9000? No. And I've seen maybe 20-30 people moving around the city. And as I mentioned, they did not fight the cold, they didn't expecience the frost. They've been skateboarding on methamphetamines and leaving a neon-trails everywhere.
Time-wise the game just goes too fast. Frostpunk 1 gave time to emperace time. Every hour counted. Will my generator burn through the coal before day starts? Will I get it before next cold snap? Here time is just some distant, background metric.

Please, take a step back. Emberace the Frostpunk emotional connection to the citizens. Make buildings and districts more organic, less simcity areas. Make singular persons important. Make the frost fight real and the main aspect. I understand that we've 'moved on' after the first struggles of the first generators and that we're past the early problems. But we still should be able to control the temperatures much more, fight for heat, insulate against the cold.

And let me repeat myself, the heastamps have to go. "We have people starving!" Yes, we have! We have the resources to build food district.... oh wait, you didn't pay enough taxes, starve!

And side note about some pure technical things about the game:
1. UI scaling needs to be done ASAP. For me, on 4k and 27" screen I'd like my UI to be at least 1.5x. I'd like the text to be readable without having to get up from my position or really focusing hard.
2. UI should emberace more of the steel, coal, soot (visual wise), the right-side temperature chart should be very clear on where is 'now' (right now it's rounded on the left side of axis). Like in FP1, it should have an arrow pointing exactly 'NOW'.
Resources should be bigger and clearer on when we're losing them (with time left), like on FP1.
3. Please give us settings to enable/disable the most hated/loved settings in-games:
- bloom
- chromatic abberration (with a scale, please, not just on-off)
- motion blur (it's really bad!)
- depth of field settings, or at least photo-mode (but I guess this will be available on release :))
I'm playing on 4k everything on ultra max, and I did feel the buildings to be blurry which should never be a thing.
4. Starting movies/logos and main menu - set their framerate limit. 2000 FPS on the starting logos, 400-600 FPS in main menus. With in-game setting 60 fps limit only the main menu coil whine was gone, but surprise - on some tabs of the settings the limit was off anyway, going for 1000 fps!. The limit should be for the game only, the main menu and movies should have their own, separate limit.
5. Automatons 'motion blur' looks terrible, pixelated and buggy. I guess you wanted to have the same effect as on people skateboarding through city, but it should not be - automatons are much slower.
Also, automatons ignore the game speed setting and appear and disappear randomly.

Żeby to na androida wyszło byłoby super.

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ANKIETA Korci mnie żeby wziąć #pcmasterrace na raty 0%, ok. 10k PLN na 10 miesięcy... cóż, gdyby nie obecny monitor 4K to pewnie bym się zamknął w 5-6k mając 1440p...

#ankieta #gry #gownowpis #ps5 #xbox

Warto brać?

30 Głosów

@gawafe1241 Tylko po co kupować kompa w tym roku jak procesory są felerne i amd i intela.

Gry nie wychodzą ciekawe AAA warte wydania tyle siana, A NIVIDA jeszcze daje wywindowane ceny z dupy na karty graficzne.

Ale pomijając fakty sensowne, na raty warto kupić mocniejszy komp raz a porządnie niż potem bawić sie w złomnika z gówno podzespołami bo na gonienie po serwisach i kupowanie kolejnych za pare lat wyjdzie ci drożej i gorzej.

Dlatego ja jestem zwolennikiem kupowania markowego sprzętu bo jednak patrząc po forach i serwisach pewne podzespoły to coś więcej niż logo.

Jak coś to polecam ci moją ściągawkę firm

Zasilacz seasonic

Płyta Asus

Grafika EVGA, Asus ( EVGA już nie aktualne)

Dyski HDD WD Red Pro, Hitachi, Toshiba

SSD, Crucial MX, Samsung, WD RED

NVME, Viper , WD Black

Jakaś buda polecam jednak bez szyby i z możliwością 2 wentylatorów na boku przyda sie do grafiki jako pomoc dodatkowa w chłodzeniu

RAM: Corsair, Crucial, Kingston, Patriot

Chłodzenie Notcua, BeQuiet


Czego za chuja pana nie brać.

Dysków z Seagate , Adata ani budżetowych prawie jak no-name typu firma PNY

Grafiki od Gigabyte

Ram: Żadnych budżetowych typu GoodRam

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