Kiedyś to były reklamy broni, nie to co teraz.

A robber on foot was called a footpad and was often part of a gang. They would rob people travelling on foot and they could be very violent
#bron #strzelectwo #ciekawostkihistoryczne
Opornik userbar

@Opornik From my cold, dead hands( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


@Opornik namówili mnie


Mmm its glock o clock xD


mnie namówiła ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@Opornik book agents trochę mnie zastanawiają xD


@moll Mnie też. Może chodzi w tym przypadku o domokrążców?


@TrocheToBezSensu chyba tak. Byli tacy z obwoźnym kramem książek


przy okazji szukania co to footpad, trafiłem na ciekawy artykuł o początkach zawodowej policji w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Wcześniej ludzie sami łapali kryminalistów, nie chcieli by robiło to państwo z obawy przed ograniczeniem ich swobód obywatelskich i wolności.

Before the force was founded, the law enforcing system was in the hands of private citizens and single individuals with very little intervention from the state.

 A police force like the Maréchaussée already present in France would have been ill-suited to Britain, which saw examples such as the French one as a threat to their liberty and balanced constitution in favour of an arbitrary and tyrannical government. The enforcement of the law then was mostly up to the private citizens, who had the right and duty to prosecute crimes in which they were involved or in which they were not. At the cry of 'murder!' or 'stop thief!' everyone was entitled and obliged to join the pursuit. Once the criminal had been apprehended, the parish constables and night watchmen, who were the only public figures provided by the state and who were typically part-time and local, would make the arrest.[4]


@Opornik firma Forehand została sprzedana w 1902 firmie Hopkins & Allen która z kolei upadła w 1916 i została kupiona przez Marlin Firearms, które z kolei w 2007 roku kupił Remington.


@Opornik "book agents" xD


@kwiatek87 "encyclopedia salesman"

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