#heheszki #humorobrazkowy


- Stocken is five years old and Hughie has just turned three months old. I've got a picture of them.

- Don't want to see it.

- Excuse me?

- I don't want to see it. Babies all look the same. The only time a baby doesn't look like every other baby is when it's a really ugly baby. So unless you're about to show me a photo of a really ugly baby then I don't want to see it.

- That's pretty fucking rude.

- Maybe it is maybe it isn't.


Ktoś bliski urodził dziecko i je widzisz pierwszy raz vs przypadkowy pies pod sklepem pomachał ogonem


Dopóki nie miałem dziecka oglądanie zdjęć cudzych dzieci nudziło mnie niezmiernie, odkąd mam dziecko jest dokładnie tak samo.

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