NYTimes Files Copyright Takedown Against Hundreds of Wordle Clones
The New York Times has filed a series of copyright takedown requests against Wordle clones and variations in which it asserts not just ownership over the Wordle name but over the broad concepts and mechanics of the word game, which includes its “5x6 grid” and “green tiles to indicate correct guesses.”

The Times filed at least three DMCA takedown requests with coders who have made clones of Wordle on GitHub. These include two in January and, crucially, a new DMCA filed this week against Chase Wackerfuss, the coder of a repository called “Reactle,” which cloned Wordle in React JS (JavaScript).

To reactle to bardzo mocny ruch, bo miało 1.9k klonów i 2.7k gwiazdek i te klony też ubijają.


@Deykun - powstało mnóstwo wariacji i powstawać będą nowe


To NY było pierwsze?



Wordle stworzył ktoś tam i sprzedał prawa NYT.

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