Eksport systemów litograficznych holenderskiej firmy ASML do Chin niezagrożony do końca roku pomimo holenderskich sankcji [ENG]

Eksport systemów litograficznych holenderskiej firmy ASML do Chin niezagrożony do końca roku pomimo holenderskich sankcji [ENG]

ASML, the Netherlands-based producer of the world’s most advanced lithography systems (chip-making equipment), has asserted that it is capable of fulfilling its contracts with Chinese customers before the end of this year, according to Bloomberg, despite the Dutch government’s new export control measures for chip-manufacturing equipment coming into effect on September 1. Under the new regulations, Dutch companies need to apply for export licenses from Dutch customs in advance if they intend to export certain high-end semiconductor-related items outside the EU. A spokesperson from ASML added that the company cannot obtain export licenses to export these products to China in 2024.

#technologia #wiadomosciswiat #chiny #holandia

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