Osoby z trudnościami w uczeniu się, niepełnosprawnością intelektualną i autyzmem są nadreprezentowane w więzieniach [ENG: A huge share of prisoners have brain injuries. They need more help]
It would be best to prevent such injuries in the first place
A KNOCK ON the head can change the course of a whole life. Traumatic brain injuries affect around one in ten people in rich countries. Those who have experienced such injuries are more likely to suffer mental-health problems and loneliness. They are more likely to struggle with addiction to drink or drugs, or to be homeless. They are also more likely to commit crimes, including violent ones, although most do not. Estimates vary, but they consistently show that people in prison are many times more likely to have brain injuries.
Więcej na ten temat: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2021/03/27/a-huge-share-of-prisoners-have-brain-injuries-they-need-more-help

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