#muzyka #heavymetal
The chase is on
Reverie dies
Stand up be counted
This world that we hold
Will never kneel
Fuck you - you can never win
You never had
Our persistence
It's an honor never bestowed upon you
We're wide - awake
All senses alert
We'll brush you off
Like dirt on our skin
A lifetime under devil wings
Has forged a shield of unpenetrable strength
Countless nights of ferocious anger
And grinding teeth
The jaw is clenched
The spark is lit
The target locked
We want you dead
Your head on our plate
You wanted war
And war you will get
You sorry man - you never knew and you (were) never prepared...

@SilverMonkey dlaczego oni zawsze z tym Baphometem. To nie przypadek. Promocja satanizmu? A oficjalnie pewnie niewierzący. Hatfu

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