
Deftones - Passenger

Lead singer Chino Moreno (on Maynard's appearance): "Having Maynard perform on the record wasn't something that we planned on doing. We didn't plan on having any guest on the record. But being a fan of Tool and A Perfect Circle, once Maynard was involved, it was just a magical thing for us. Honestly, when he first started working with us, he wasn't supposed to sing with us. He was just working on the arrangements, riff structures, time signatures, and things like that. I don't know if you're a big fan of Tool's music, but they're really mathematical. I've been to their rehearsal space, and there's this big chart that just looks like calculus--the way they write songs, it's just crazy. It was good to have someone else who has different ways of writing songs, 'cause everyone has a different way of doing it. He came in and we started working on this one song in particular, and he just grabbed the microphone and started singing along to it, and my jaw just dropped. All of a sudden our band sounded like Tool; it was just crazy. Then, probably two months later, we went in to record the album, and I went in to record the vocals on it, and I just kept hearing his voice, this re-occurring melody with his voice coming over it. So I called him and asked him if he wanted to come down and sing on the record, and he had no problem with it. Once he came in, I gave him sort of what I wanted the song to be about, and he wrote a couple of ideas down, and the next day he came in with all the lyrics written all out with blank spaces where my lyrics were supposed to be. He's very professional like that. He wants everything set perfectly, which is the complete opposite to the way that I write, so it was cool. And then I went in and did my vocals over it, and it just seemed that our voices blended together pretty good. Yeah, it came out pretty good, so we decided to put it on the record."


#muzyka #deaftone #deftones #passanger #lata00 #tool #maynardjameskeenan #chinomoreno

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Deftones - Passenger

Lead singer Chino Moreno (on Maynard's appearance): "Having Maynard perform on the record wasn't something that we planned on doing. We didn't plan on having any guest on the record. But being a fan of Tool and A Perfect Circle, once Maynard was involved, it was just a magical thing for us. Honestly, when he first started working with us, he wasn't supposed to sing with us. He was just working on the arrangements, riff structures, time signatures, and things like that. I don't know if you're a big fan of Tool's music, but they're really mathematical. I've been to their rehearsal space, and there's this big chart that just looks like calculus--the way they write songs, it's just crazy. It was good to have someone else who has different ways of writing songs, 'cause everyone has a different way of doing it. He came in and we started working on this one song in particular, and he just grabbed the microphone and started singing along to it, and my jaw just dropped. All of a sudden our band sounded like Tool; it was just crazy. Then, probably two months later, we went in to record the album, and I went in to record the vocals on it, and I just kept hearing his voice, this re-occurring melody with his voice coming over it. So I called him and asked him if he wanted to come down and sing on the record, and he had no problem with it. Once he came in, I gave him sort of what I wanted the song to be about, and he wrote a couple of ideas down, and the next day he came in with all the lyrics written all out with blank spaces where my lyrics were supposed to be. He's very professional like that. He wants everything set perfectly, which is the complete opposite to the way that I write, so it was cool. And then I went in and did my vocals over it, and it just seemed that our voices blended together pretty good. Yeah, it came out pretty good, so we decided to put it on the record."


. #muzyka #deaftone #deftones #passanger #lata00 #tool #maynardjameskeenan #chinomoreno

Jeden z moich ulubionych kawałków Deftones

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Deftones - Passenger
Having Maynard perform on the record wasn’t something that we planned on doing. We didn’t plan on having any guest on the record. But being a fan of Tool and A Perfect Circle, once Maynard was involved, it was just a magical thing for us. Honestly, when he first started working with us, he wasn’t supposed to sing with us. He was just working on the arrangements, riff structures, time signatures, and things like that. I don’t know if you’re a big fan of Tool’s music, but they’re really mathematical. I’ve been to their rehearsal space, and there’s this big chart that just looks like calculus–the way they write songs, it’s just crazy. It was good to have someone else who has different ways of writing songs, ‘cause everyone has a different way of doing it. He came in and we started working on this one song in particular, and he just grabbed the microphone and started singing along to it, and my jaw just dropped. All of a sudden our band sounded like Tool; it was just crazy. Then, probably two months later, we went in to record the album, and I went in to record the vocals on it, and I just kept hearing his voice, this recurring melody with his voice coming over it. So I called him and asked him if he wanted to come down and sing on the record, and he had no problem with it. Once he came in, I gave him sort of what I wanted the song to be about, and he wrote a couple of ideas down, and the next day he came in with all the lyrics written all out with blank spaces where my lyrics were supposed to be. He’s very professional like that. He wants everything set perfectly, which is the complete opposite to the way that I write, so it was cool. And then I went in and did my vocals over it, and it just seemed that our voices blended together pretty good."
. #muzyka #tool #deftones #maynardjameskeenan #chinomoreno

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#muzykawolfika  #muzyka  #metal  #100metalowychkawalkow #numetal #alternativemetal #deftones
100 najlepszych metalowych kawałków według magazynu Rolling Stone
miejsce 80:
Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove It) (1997)

@tomwolf ten kawałek pamiętam z soundtracku z Matrixa, mile wspominam. Lubię wrócić do ich muzyki - przede wszystkim White Pony, ostatnie Ohms też mi przyjemnie wchodziło, jednak zawsze jak ich widzę to mam z tyłu głowy jak wyjebane ego mają, a przynajmniej frontman xD. Numetal to niee, Deftones to co innego, nie chcą być z nim kojarzeni, ale w sumie to KoRn ich skopiował bo oni robili to samo wcześniej, no ale oni numetalu nie grają i w ogóle, oni są ponad to. Jednocześnie będąc klasyfikowanym w numetalowych zestawieniach na wysokich pozycjach. XD. Nic dziwnego że po White Pony już raczej nie było żadnych hitów w mainstreamie z ich strony. Ale jako muzyka przełomu wieków całkiem fajnie się wpisują te zawodzące gitarki.


@Odczuwam_Dysonans nie no, po "White Pony" do mainstreamu weszło jeszcze "Minerva" z płyty "Deftones", mojej ulubionej z resztą z ich dysko, a niedocenianej przez rzeszę krytyków i fanów chyba też...


Minerva też świetny kawałek i może rzeczywiście poskąpiłem im trochę fejmu ;) aczkolwiek to też kwestia optyki bo ten kawałek, i płytę właśnie usłyszałem parę lat po premierze - no ale mogłem wtedy wypaść z obiegu. Nieraz jak mnie najdzie ochota to odsłuchuję kolejne albumy i trzeba przyznać że mają swój ciekawy styl.

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Deftones - Passenger
Having Maynard perform on the record wasn’t something that we planned on doing. We didn’t plan on having any guest on the record. But being a fan of Tool and A Perfect Circle, once Maynard was involved, it was just a magical thing for us. Honestly, when he first started working with us, he wasn’t supposed to sing with us. He was just working on the arrangements, riff structures, time signatures, and things like that. I don’t know if you’re a big fan of Tool’s music, but they’re really mathematical. I’ve been to their rehearsal space, and there’s this big chart that just looks like calculus–the way they write songs, it’s just crazy. It was good to have someone else who has different ways of writing songs, ‘cause everyone has a different way of doing it. He came in and we started working on this one song in particular, and he just grabbed the microphone and started singing along to it, and my jaw just dropped. All of a sudden our band sounded like Tool; it was just crazy. Then, probably two months later, we went in to record the album, and I went in to record the vocals on it, and I just kept hearing his voice, this recurring melody with his voice coming over it. So I called him and asked him if he wanted to come down and sing on the record, and he had no problem with it. Once he came in, I gave him sort of what I wanted the song to be about, and he wrote a couple of ideas down, and the next day he came in with all the lyrics written all out with blank spaces where my lyrics were supposed to be. He’s very professional like that. He wants everything set perfectly, which is the complete opposite to the way that I write, so it was cool. And then I went in and did my vocals over it, and it just seemed that our voices blended together pretty good."
. #muzyka #tool #deftones

@deafone Edytowałeś Btw. nie znałem "historii" powstania tej piosenki. Wiedziałem tylko że, gościnnie on tam występuje.


@Pol616 historia jest świetna


@deafone no właśnie przeczytałem, i dlatego napisałem tamten komentarz.

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